Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Letter "H" Making Hokey Pokey!!

In Room 1 we were talking about food and what happens when you mix things together. We had already tried mixing things and heating them as well as mixing things then cooling them.
We were doing the letter 'H' so Mrs Kelly found the recipe to make Hokey Pokey. We had to follow the instructions making sure we put in the right ingredients.
This time we heated ingredients together and then mixed in baking soda. It went all foamy like when we made volcanoes. We left it to cool down and then we all got to eat it.

Room 1 loved the Hokey Pokey they made. We shared it with Room 2 and 3 and they loved it too.

Making Ginger Beer

First we put water into a bucket and Oskar added sugar while Marco stirred it while it dissolved. 

MacKay added the yeast which will make the bubbles in the ginger beer. Aaron mixes it together.

Grace adds the ginger while Theo ensures that everything is mixed.

Lucas focusses on adding the Cream of Tartar with Ivy-Rose stirring the ginger beer.

"This is looking yummy" says Max when Meila adds tartaric acid.

A final squirt of lemon juice by Lennox and a last stir by Charlotte.

We waited and watched the ginger beer for a whole day. It went frothy and foamy.

Time to put it into bottles. Jan helps us all to pour it in.
Now we have to wait for 2 more days to drink it!