Thursday, August 28, 2014

Maths Fun and Games

Today during Maths time we learnt to play some new games. Mrs Kelly is challenging us by giving us some harder games to play. We played games using our addition and subtraction knowledge. It was great working cooperatively with others to learn the games and then teach them to our class mates. We love Maths in Room 1!!!
Meila and Kayla are adding and subtracting numbers to fill in the butterfly wings.
Lily and Ivy-Rose playing 'What comes next?"
Max and Joey using the dice to add numbers.
Theo, Phoenix and MacKay working together playing "Roll a Fact"
Marco and Ryan are looking carefully for dice patterns in their game.
Charlotte and Lucas are adding numbers to 'POP' the clown's balloons.
Indyanna and Oskar are trying to cover all of the pirates treasure chests in their addition game.

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