Sunday, September 14, 2014

Exploring Capacity

This week for Maths we are exploring Capacity. Today we had lots of different containers and poured water in them to see which one held the most water and which one held the least. We also experimented with how many little containers it would take to fill a big container. We had great fun with our Maths today.
Charlotte and Lucas comparing the amount of water in different size and shapes of bottles.
Joey, Grace, Phoenix, Theo and Kayla counting how many small containers it will take to fill one big container.
Lots of filling and counting by Kayla and Grace.
Max and Lily are working on how much is needed to fill 1/2 a bottle.
A tricky problem for Meila, Marco, Aaron and Indyanna! Which container holds the most? They discovered that they all hold the same.
Ryan and Ivy-Rose have put all of the containers in order from smallest to biggest.
Max ponders which container holds the most water as Lennox and  MacKay fill them up.
Great teamwork by Grace and Kayla as they see how much water they need to fill this bottle.
Indyanna and Marco working together to see how many small bottles it would take to fill this bigger one. It was 2!
Meila and Aaron have worked out it takes 10 little containers to fill the big one. Now they are going to try the medium sized container.
OH, NO!!!  As with all good Maths exploration we have made a bit of a mess and yellow water has gone everywhere!! But Charlotte, Lucas, Oskar and Ivy-Rose have filled each of theirbottles half way.

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