Monday, March 30, 2015

Clay Tiles

On Thursday and Friday last week Room 1, along with Rooms 2 and 3) were lucky enough to start off the special clay tile project that the Fernridge School Jubilee committee are doing as part of our celebrations on Queen's Birthday weekend.
We are each making a clay tile with the support of well known local potter Sam Ludden.

Firstly Rooms 1 and 2 got together on Thursday to have a practice with the clay and how we could make patterns and designs into the clay. Below are some photos of Room 1 practicing. When the clay is dry we will paint and varnish the practice tiles before taking them home.

The next stage was working with the "real" tiles. Sam Ludden had pre-made the tiles all ready for us to use. We had to make sure that our tile had our name and room number on it so that in the future we could look up at the design on the wall and see our tile. 
Take a look at everyone being so focused on producing an awesome tile.
What a special part of the school history we will become.

We are all looking forward to seeing the finished result.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Hockey Skills

On Thursday we were all really excited to take part in the Small Sticks hockey programme. Sharon from Hockey Wairarapa came along to teach some skills for playing hockey.
We all had heaps and heaps of fun!

First we learned to pick up the hockey stick correctly.

Then we learned how to hold it correctly.

Fantastic body position for dribbling the hockey ball.

Great Fun!

"Taking the ball for a walk."

What amazing concentration!

We are all very focused on keeping control of the ball.

What determination!

Controlling the ball around the "Mine Field"

Great concentration required to bounce the hockey ball on our stick.

We all had super fun at hockey and can't wait until the next session.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Measurement in Room 1

Last week Room 1 was learning to measure their bodies with different things. On Wednesday we investigated using cube blocks to measure how tall we were. (Mrs Kelly just wanted to measure our feet but measuring our height was much more interesting)

There was lots of working together and problem solving before we discovered the best way for us to do it.

After lots of problem solving we discovered the best way to measure how tall everyone is was to lie and the ground and line the cube blocks next to us.
Awesome Team Work!!!

Friday, March 13, 2015

A Busy Week

"Time flies when you are having FUN"
This is certainly the case in Room 1 this term. Last week we saw Tamati shearing a sheep on Tuesday, went to the Golden Shears on Thursday and then made ice-cream on Thursday afternoon. Lots of awesome learning opportunities for us all.

Tamati shearing a sheep for the whole school with the help of his mum and dad.


A chance to pat the sheep with all their wool on.

A shearer in action.

The sheep after shearing.

The wool being packed into bales.
Ice Cream Making

Kera putting sugar into her plastic bag.
Fletcher adding milk.
Harry, Bob and Levi put ice and salt into their big plastic bag.
"Let the shaking begin" said Angel and Kadyn.
Kera and Harry have made ice cream. Oops, Bob has too many muscles and shook his bag too hard!

Yum, Yum, Yum!
The best part was eating the ice cream we made.