Friday, March 13, 2015

A Busy Week

"Time flies when you are having FUN"
This is certainly the case in Room 1 this term. Last week we saw Tamati shearing a sheep on Tuesday, went to the Golden Shears on Thursday and then made ice-cream on Thursday afternoon. Lots of awesome learning opportunities for us all.

Tamati shearing a sheep for the whole school with the help of his mum and dad.


A chance to pat the sheep with all their wool on.

A shearer in action.

The sheep after shearing.

The wool being packed into bales.
Ice Cream Making

Kera putting sugar into her plastic bag.
Fletcher adding milk.
Harry, Bob and Levi put ice and salt into their big plastic bag.
"Let the shaking begin" said Angel and Kadyn.
Kera and Harry have made ice cream. Oops, Bob has too many muscles and shook his bag too hard!

Yum, Yum, Yum!
The best part was eating the ice cream we made.

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