Sunday, November 8, 2015

A Busy Start to Term 4

Already term 4 has been full of lots of fun events and activities.

This term our focus is on Colour and Light. We have had lots of discussions in class around these and it led to Room 1 taking a trip to the Glow Worm caves kindly organised by David Woodcock.
Lots of interesting discoveries were made and the class all wrote some amazing stories about what they have seen.
Check out the pictures of our trip below.
David giving us a run down of what we are doing and how to be safe.

The long walk to the glow worm cave.

Helmets on! Ready to go!

The start of our journey underground and into the cave.

It was very dark and we had to turn our torches off to see the glow worms.

Under ground in the cold wet cave.

Searching for glow worms. We must be quiet!

All finished! We look like explorers.

A pretty amazing find on the way back to our cars - rabbit poo on top of cow poo!!!!!!!

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