Friday, May 22, 2015

Letter "K" ~ Making Kebabs.

This week in Room 1 we have been learning all about the letter k. We read the book "Hedgehog Fun" and then decided to make our own kebabs. 
First we peeled the fruit then we cut or split up it up ready to go onto our kebab sticks.
It was now time to make our kebabs choosing the fruit we wanted as well as a marshmallow or 2. 
They were soooooo yummy we all made another one.

Separating the grapes.

Peeling and cutting up the kiwi fruit.

Dicing the apples.

More kiwi fruit to cut.

Putting out kebabs together.

Sliding each piece of fruit on carefully.

Waiting expectantly.

Certainly a full kebab stick here.

All finished and time to eat!!!!!

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