Thursday, May 21, 2015

Zumba Action

The last 2 Thursday mornings have seen the whole school join Keri for 30 minute Zumba sessions. Room 1 loves going to Zumba and as you can see from the photos we are all awesome movers and shakers!

Hows this for some moves? 

Such concentration!

When does this get tricky?

Doing the robot!


We love dancing to the "Olden Days" music. Here we are doing YMCA.

More "Old School" music - Doing the Twist.

'The Twist' is pretty tiring.

Line dancing~Zumba style. We are sooooo cool.

Gotta get our legs and arms working together.

These new moves take a bit of concentration.

Moving so fast even the camera can't keep up.

Don't you love the fast ones?

River Dance eat your heart out!!!!!

The whole of Room 1 are outstanding at Zumba and we can't wait til next week.

Thanks Keri.

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